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News BlDan Siegel Podium w. Brainogs explore how the brain works and how to heal attachment disorder, anxiety attacks, even developmental trauma.  It can be healed– if we face it.
See also Resources & Featured Topics tabs.

Latest on the Brain: *Neurofeedback Works!  *How to Hire a TherapistHealing Tools for Trauma  (for ex: Tapping)
What is EMDR and Why So Effective?   New: EMDR for Infant Trauma
Neurofeedback: Healing a Fear-driven Brain   My Neurofeedback Journey
The Body Keeps the Score: Dr.  Bessel van der Kolk
Oct-Nov 2014 Trauma Webinars: van der Kolk, Levine, Siegel
Dr. Stephen Porges: Polyvagal Theory, Parts 1-3
General Theory of Love: How Mammal Brains Work, Part 1
...General Theory of Love: Limbic Resonance, Part2
General Theory of Love: Mammals Require Attachment
Three Neuroscientists: van der Kolk, Perry, Siegel

How We Develop: Dr. Allan Schore: What is the “Self”?
How Your Brain Works 101 – Dr. Bruce Perry
..Developmental Trauma – Bessel van der Kolk
Attachment & Developmental Trauma – Dr. Bruce Perry

Did I Attach?: Mary Main’s Adult Attachment Interview (AAI)
I Flunked Bonding 101: What ‘Inner Child’ ?
Bruce Perry in Washington: On Relationships

50% Suffer Trauma: ACE: The Greatest Study Never Told
California’s First ACEs Summit, November 2014
From the Butt End of Evolution: My Family Tree
“Pediatricians Screen for Child Trauma” by Jane Stevens
A Pastor’s Battle with Childhood Trauma

On Healing: How I Healed with Body Work
Dr. Bruce Perry: Rhythm Regulates the Brain
Dr. Perry:  Music Makes Your Case
Dr. Dan Siegel: Heal Your Brain, Parts 1-5
Dr. Bessel van der Kolk: Start with the Body
In Defense of Bessel van der Kolk, Parts 1 & 2
Bruce Perry and Children’s Choirs
Music Therapy, Premature Babies and Child Trauma

Being Present, Now: Dr. Tara Brach: I’m Stardust, Parts 1 & 2
...New Year GratitudeHoliday Photos, 1-10-14

Watch Out: Is Our Medical System Traumatizing Us?
Mammalian Attachment Heals Surgery Trauma
“Trauma-Informed Care” and Compassion

What is Addiction: Dr. Vincent  Felitti: Origins of Addiction
...Philip Seymour Hoffman: The Hole in Me
The Hole in Half of Us: More from Dr. Vincent Felitti
Substance Abuse or Survival Mechanism: Why We Use

More Blogs:  No Shame in a Broken Brain – Rick Warren
When Family Doesn’t Get It, Recovery Partners Will
From Grassroots to Hollywood: Mass Education on Trauma


Comments are encouraged, with the usual exceptions; rants, political speeches, off-color language, etc. are unlikely to post. Current software limits comments to 1030 characters (2 long paragraphs).

News blogs expand on my book Don’t Try This Alone:  The Silent Epidemic of Attachment Disorder.  Watch as my journey of recovery teaches me the hard way about Adult Attachment Disorder, Developmental Trauma, Attachment Theory, and the Adult Attachment Interview (AAI).

Copyright © 2018 by Kathy Brous.  All right reserved. No portion of this website, except for brief reviews and live links to this website, may be copied or used in any form or manner whatsoever.  All use must show prominent and clear attribution to Kathy Brous at

Medical Disclaimer: This website is for general information purposes only. It is simply my own research. Individuals should always see their health care provider or licensed psychotherapist before doing anything which they believe to be suggested or indicated herein. Any application of the material on this website is at the reader’s discretion and is the reader’s sole responsibility.


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12 Responses to Blogs

  1. deen says:

    I’ve done both, depending on how invested I am in a person. They’d claim I was avoidant if I’m not really into someone. I had to battle a temporary tendency towards anxious attachment to the guy I was really into. But in the end, I pushed that individual away. My therapist at has made a significant difference in my life, and I am grateful for her help.

  2. deen says:

    It’s encouraging that more therapists are offering their services to people in need. As someone who is undergoing treatment at, it is essential to comprehend the advantages of counseling. I feel less confident as a result.

  3. moretha says:

    It is critical that we take care of our bodies and minds. I am pleased that therapies such as those provided by are accessible to assist with anxiety healing.

  4. moretha says:

    The fact that more therapists are assisting those in need is encouraging. As someone who is currently receiving treatment at, understanding the benefits of counseling is critical. As a result, I am more self-conscious.

  5. Barbara says:

    I have spent a number of years dealing/healing the problems I have become aware of – now I find it has a name a cause and as I have found, a solution. In my grief I started writing poetry and on rereading what I wrote I find that I was describing my own attachment disorder. Some of what I have written (The Loss and Mother) could possibly be of use to others who are struggling to understand what they are dealing with and could be made available if appropriate. I have no motive other than to be of assistance, I would have appreciated explanations if I could have found them. For those on the journey, hang in there, the benefits are fantastic.

  6. Lucy says:

    I found your website searching for a psychologist versed in RAD. I had a therapist that attempted to use EMDR, but it did not work. I know RAD is rarely studied, as many people do not make it until a late age. The trauma/neglect was caused during infantile years, which we can not even remember, makes treatment so much harder. Some studies even say it is incurable past a certain age; I do not agree. However, it does have lasting affect. What doctor anywhere in the world/US that has experience with helping adults affected with this condition? A lot of doctors say that they deal with PTSD, but RAD is different.

  7. Pingback: Is Addiction An Attachment Disorder? – 12stepphilosophy

  8. L says:

    I stumbled upon your website researching trauma workbooks and read nearly every blog, including all of the book chapters you posted. I’ve been on a path to heal myself from trauma for the last 10 years. I started seeking peace from my demons shortly after I was date-raped by a stranger I met online. I’ve sought help a number of times – multiple therapists, psychiatrist, medications, alternatives.One therapist did introduce me to the Attachment idea. When I started seeing her, I first became aware that I was suffering from MANY traumas in my lifetime, not just the date rape. My parents divorced when I was 4, I hardly remember having a childhood because it was so bad, and like you, I never saw anything wrong with some of the wacky ways my parents treated and devalued me. Oddly, I love life and the richness of it all, feel so blessed, and have the drive to do hundreds of things and work hard. But at the same time, there is a heaviness that still weighs on me; I can feel it in the depths of my physical being, in the pain of my muscles in my body, and in the cloudiness of my fatigue. I have been anxious to fix this for years. I too have found myself in the same relationships that are void of attachment as you have, with the same kinds of men, and “self-medicating” with men like “Dan” in the same ways as you have. Your blogs about Attachment Theory deeply resonate, and I’ve been researching ways to heal myself. Even though I have yet to get complete relief from the rape 10 years ago, I’ve decided that I really need to start at the beginning – from my time in the womb. I’ve been researching many books and read your recommendations. So far these are the books I want to read:
    1. The Inner Child Workbook
    2. The Grief Recovery HandBook
    3. The Body Keeps Score
    4. Healing Trauma: a Pioneering Program for Restoring the Wisdom of Your Body
    5. The Revolutionary Trauma Release Process – a TRE® book
    I also have considerable fears of passing this dysfunction onto my children, as my mom has regifted to us what grandma gave her. Attachment failure really is the gift that keeps on giving. Thoughts on my strategy or the books would be appreciated.

    • Kathy says:

      Your message moves me to tears. First, do NOT get the Inner Child workbook, it nearly caused me to kill myself! Second, the rape trauma (an adult one-shot trauma aka incident trauma) would be hideous trauma for anyone even with a great childhood! But for we with infant trauma, incident one-shot traumas that bad in adulthood get badly multiplied in our psyche because they trigger the UNconcious, unimaginable stuff from infancy and childhood which is deeply suppressed. Any therapist who doesn’t work on THAT with you, isn’t worth paying.
      We must have a therapist to recover, make no mistake; that’s why my book’s titled “Don’t Try This at Home.” We can not do it ourselves, that’s physiologically impossible. Please see “Find a Therapist” tab. As to the other books you mention: again: one must have a good therapist to use them, ‘cos these books are so good, that they’ll take us too deep to go alone. With a therapist, and only with a therapist, I high recommend “The Grief Recovery HandBook,” “The Body Keeps the Score,” and “Healing Trauma: a Pioneering Program for Restoring the Wisdom of Your Body.” Please get personal help–you are worth it!

  9. Pingback: Is addiction an Attachment Disorder? | Inside the alcoholic brain

  10. Linda Scharaga says:

    I really need to find your book. Is it published yet? Please advise!!!

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