Find an Attachment-based Psychotherapist

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A good attachment-based therapist is hard to find – especially when we have adult attachment disorder.  We do need a serious trauma therapist to recover; that’s why my book’s titled “Don’t Try This Alone.”

We can not do it ourselves. It’s bio-physiologically impossible.

Also, we all need Support Groups. Find your pod!

As to therapists: I mean “attachment-based therapists,” psychotherapists trained in John Bowlby’s attachment theory; see I’m against “attachment therapy” as an excuse for abuse, described here:

But it’s wrong that the psychiatric Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) only recognizes Radical Attachment Disorder (RAD), which affects a tiny percent.
Other attachment disorders affect 50% of Americans. I wasn’t RAD, but I had serious attachment disorder. Since I wasn’t RAD, the DSM didn’t recognize me, so I got no treatment until I collapsed after age 50. That can’t be right.  “Attachment problems extending beyond RAD, are a real and appropriate concern for professionals,” concludes the 2006 Report on Attachment Therapy by the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children (APSAC).

How I Healed

I started with an attachment-based psychotherapist. Then we added “body work,” aka somatic psychotherapy. After that, we added neurofeedback.

Neurofeedback? Psychiatrist and trauma expert Bessel van der Kolk, MD, posted a webinar on neurofeedback 8-9-16 that changed the map on trauma healing: I know of can do that ,” says Van der Kolk about Sebern Fisher’s statistical results with neurofeedback. “Time to learn new things.”

How to Talk to & Hire a Therapist? Interview, interview, interview! See:

How to find them? Psychology Today lists therapists across the US who call themselves “attachment-based.” If they know enough to list this way, they likely know more about attachment than the average “joe” therapist. In any city, for example Westside, CA or Chicago, IL: Plug your city and state into this link, replacing “Los+Angeles&state=CA” with your city and state:
You’ll get Psychology Today’s list of attachment-based therapists (“spec=496”) in your city. For example I replaced the Los Angeles string above with “Chicago&state=IL” and got a list of Chicago attachment-based therapists:

Or try‘s directory: Then interview, interview, interview until you find one who knows attachment and child trauma.

Trauma-Specialist Therapists

Here are other national therapist-locator websites. Dr. Peter Levine and Dr. Pat Ogden specialize in somatic psychotherapy for trauma, not attachment per se. But if you find their practitioners near you, they’ve got great trauma training, so ask them if they are also experienced with childhood attachment trauma. If not, move on to the next trauma website and keep asking the same question:
–Somatic Experiencing, Dr. Peter Levine (enter zip) :
–Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute, Dr. Pat Ogden
Find a sensorimotor therapist:  read the intro first:
–Attachment & Trauma Network (ATN) database. Good for adults:
–International Society for Study of Trauma & Dissociation (ISSTD):
–Sidran Traumatic Stress Institute, Get Help & Locator page:
–International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ISTSS):   To specify Attachment as specialty, enter zip and distance range you can drive, then below under “Advanced Search,” select “Special Interests” and  check box marked “Attachment Disorders.”

Neurofeedback and EMDR Practitioners

Find a Neurofeedback Practitioner Online: This was how I found my local neurofeedback therapist; turned out he’s great for attachment, too:
–EEG Spectrum International [Sebern Fisher’s husband’s co.]
–EEG Information Provider Directory:

Find an EMDR Practitioner Online: If you have early trauma, be sure EMDR providers have specific training in infant/early trauma. EMDR International Association therapist directory:

In California

For Los Angeles, CA area attachment-based psychotherapists, see Comment below here:

For Orange County, CA, see Comment below here:

In San Diego, call San Diego Access and Crisis Line 888-724-7240 (24×7) and ask for attachment specialty therapists (See also Comments at bottom of this page, including meetings in San Diego).

For Children

–National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN):
–Dr. Bruce Perry, MD – ChildTrauma Academy-trained clinician list:
–Assoc. for Training on Trauma & Attachment in Children (ATTACh):

Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (ASCA) has an excellent guide on how to find a trauma therapist (but no locator page other than those above):

USA’s Top Attachment Authorities

Below are the top US authorities on attachment. I don’t know if they provide referrals to therapists outside their areas. They lead the field in research and publishing solutions; that’s enough to keep anyone busy 24×7.  Click on their names to see my blog on each one:

Dr. Allan N. Schore, Ph.D., Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences, UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine, 9817 Sylvia Ave, Northridge, CA 91324  (818) 886-4368 –

Dr. Daniel J. Siegel – website: –  assistant Whitney Stambler <>

Dr. Bruce Perry, ChildTrauma Academy,  Houston:

Dr. Bessel van der Kolk, Trauma Center, Boston:  –  personal assistant Angela Lin <>

More resources:

Attachment and Trauma Network (ATN) is  “action central” for adopted children and related childhood attachment trauma. I’m not sure if they have a directory:

What else can I do to get help?

1.  Go to to take the ACE Survey to see how many ACEs you have. Then bring your ACE report to your family doctor, and say you want to see a specialist because you are a normal human facing very abnormal childhood experiences and you feel awful.

2. Regardless of your age, if you had any childhood trauma or severe childhood experiences, you can contact the National Children’s Advocacy Center’s local office and ask for help. Go to, enter your zip code and visit an agency in your area today.  I tried it out and found 4 agencies all within five miles of my home.

3. If you do not have health insurance, no matter your age, if you had childhood trauma or severe childhood experiences, contact the nearest children’s hospital and tell them what is troubling you.

Report/Get Help for Child Abuse:
–The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children:
–National Children’s Advocacy Centers:
–HelpGuide:  under –Child and Parenting Services, see Attachment Disorders
State Locator for Early Intervention Services (NICHCY): 800-695-0285
–Zero to Three National Center for Infants and Families: (202) 638-1144
–New York Foundling 24-Hour Parent Helpline: 1-888-435-7553
–California First Five:
–Michigan Assoc for Children’s Mental Health: (

Comments are encouraged, with the usual exceptions; rants, political speeches, off-color language, etc. are unlikely to post. Current software limits comments to 1030 characters (2 long paragraphs).

News blogs expand on my book Don’t Try This Alone:  The Silent Epidemic of Attachment Disorder.  Watch as my journey of recovery teaches me the hard way about Adult Attachment Disorder, Developmental Trauma, Attachment Theory, and the Adult Attachment Interview (AAI).

Copyright © 2018 by Kathy Brous.  All right reserved. No portion of this website, except for brief reviews and live links to this website, may be copied or used in any form or manner whatsoever.  All use must show prominent and clear attribution to Kathy Brous at

Medical Disclaimer: This website is for general information purposes only. It is simply my own research. Individuals should always see their health care provider or licensed psychotherapist before doing anything which they believe to be suggested or indicated herein. Any application of the material on this website is at the reader’s discretion and is the reader’s sole responsibility.


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103 Responses to Find an Attachment-based Psychotherapist

  1. S Nicoletta Rogers says:

    Hello Kathy,

    I am almost finished your book! Wow… I could hardly put it down!! I have never read anything more relatable to my own experiences.

    I would like to suggest that you include IFS-Internal Family Systems therapy in your resources. I am finding it very helpful.

    Thank you 🙏🏼 so much for everything!!

    A really good overview of Internal Family Systems therapy (IFS)


  2. Hello, great job pulling this information together. I am beyond passionate about this subject. There should be more of this kind of information posted because of how few therapists actually operate under attachment theory, the sad thing is many say they do but many still do not get it. Starting with attachment theory is everything! Without it, you can call yourself a trauma specialist. Thank you! My name is Lisa and I’m an attachment, personality and developmental complex trauma specialist.

  3. Russ says:

    I called the San Diego Access and Crisis Line and they were confused why I was calling. They ended up helping me find some therapists but were a bit at a loss as to how to help me at first.

  4. Kathryn says:

    Hi Kathy- Did you hear of any great attachment therapists in Los Angeles? I can try calling the folks you suggested for referrals but I was wondering if since then you have learned of any great practitioners who help with RAD and avoidant attachment issues?

  5. Thanks for sharing this list of therapists and psychotherapists to the readers. It will be of great help!

  6. Oh great! All the contact details and address of the top therapists in one page. Thanks for sharing!

  7. Cristina says:

    Hi Kathy! I leave in Washington DC and I am having a really hard time finding a good attachment-based psychotherapist that accepts insurance. Do you know anyone? I’m tired of spending time, money and energy in therapists that have not really contributed to my healing (I’ve been in/out of therapy for the past 6 years). Is Dr. R in the DC area? Would you be willing to share his contact? Thank you so much!

  8. Alison says:

    Thank you so much for sharing your wealth of resources and story. I’m in OC and looking for a qualified Neurofeedback practitioner as well as a therapist. I went to the site to find a qualified neurofeedback practitioner and didn’t see any who specifically called out the Sebern Fischer protocol. Do you have any you personally can recommend? I am scared because I don’t want to end up worse and had some very bad EMDR experiences that were traumatizing.

    • Kathy says:

      Please forgive my lateness, I was traveling.Here’s my fantastic Neurofeedback therapist; he takes most insurance. He doesn’t do Sebern protocol precisely but I couldn’t find anyone south of LA who does and he’s turned out to be excellent after three years together: Dr. Raymond Hansink, 29222 Rancho Viejo Rd, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 T. (949) 933-3556. Yes, EMDR can be very hard on us with early attachment disorder. Unless an EMDR therapist is specifically trained in trauma since conception, they often mis-handle folks like us. See

  9. Deborah Guster says:

    I found a therapist and worked with her for 5 years. This was before I knew to call what I had attachment trauma, on top of family violence. It was the first time in my life I’ve ever felt able to deeply connect to another person, it took years. I became really attached to her. I internalised her. She said that no matter what happened we’d always have a special relationship, she’ll Always be here for me. Its the motherly love I’ve craved desperately my whole life. I’m 40yrs. When I called her out and a couple of things she cut me off then blamed me when I felt angry about it. She changed her mind back and forth a few times. I am that screaming child in your book, I need her, its agonising and she won’t talk to me. Its killing me, literally. I’ve held on for almost 3 years and tried so hard to find another therapist who understands but theres no one, just rejection and more trauma. I can’t do this alone. I’m exhausted. I need active help…

    • Kathy says:

      Nothing wrong with you; she’s the problem! A real therapist never makes such promises; they’re not an adoption service. They simply promise to be there as long as the relationships is healing you, and you’re not overstepping boundaries to hurt the therapist. Second, my therapist would never dump me for calling him out or change his mind a lot. He encouraged me to get angry and have all my emotions with him. That’s a therapist’s job! When we have no parents, we never had the experience to have our emotions with other humans. So Dr. R. taught me to do that. But within boundaries. I could do or say anything in his office that wasn’t threatening. I could phone him once or twice a week; he returned my calls. But if I had phoned or freaked obsessively or gotten nasty, a good therapist asks us to change behavior or they have to let us go. A sane parent should do the same! Please follow these steps to find a real therapist:

  10. Michelle says:

    Please may I have the Orange County, California attachment-based therapists list? Thank you very much.

    • Kathy says:

      Here are therapists I trust in Orange County, CA. Not all call themselves attachment specialists, but talk to them about your childhood trauma and see if it’s a fit (NB: I’m not a pro; this is just my opinion):
      –Randall Rheinheimer PhD, MFT, Santa Ana, 714 573 0000
      –Ted Trubenbach, Santa Ana, (714) 667-6987,
      –Mark MacMillin, Newport Beach, 714 420 3704
      –Maribeth Ekey, PhD, Fullerton,
      –Denise Neeley, Placentia,
      –Earl Henslin, Brea,
      –Dr. Angie Dickson PhD, 2030 E. Fourth St. Santa Ana, (714) 569-9976
      –Connie Hornyak, LCSW, Irvine,

      • Derek says:

        Hi Kathy, thanks so much for your work. Do you have a recommendation for body oriented attachment based therapists in the NYC area? Thanks!

        • Kathy says:

          Put your zip into links above for national locators by Psychology Today,, and links under Trauma-Specialist Therapists to somatic (body-oriented) therapy groups. Interview those nearby until you find one who knows attachment and child trauma. See “How to Hire a Therapist” link above.

      • Joe says:

        Kendra Klassen surrendered her license and is a menace to therapy. Shame on you for recommending her without proper diligence. Your referral to her gives you culpability and calls into question your own legitimacy. PLEASE EVERYONE, research your therapist before engaging!

        • Kathy says:

          Thank you, Joe. Researching now, yes, State of California Board of Psychology, Spring Journal 2020 reports that on 10/30/2019, Kendra Klassen “stipulated to the surrender of her license after an Accusation was filed alleging she committed gross negligence…” Scroll to p. 9: – I just removed her name. In 2011-2016, I had friends who saw her with good results. Then I hardly touched my website or followed psychology from the end of 2018 til today, so I missed October 2019’s events.
          But I’ve repeatedly written: I am no expert, merely a patient, everything I write is merely my opinion.
          I’m just a fallible human, never claimed authority nor promised professional diligence on other people.
          I agree and have often written as you say: PLEASE EVERYONE, research your therapist before engaging!

  11. Julie says:

    Can you email me a list of reputable Attacment Therapists?

  12. Sharon says:

    Hello. I also would like the OC list please.

  13. Diego says:

    I am from Italy and found your blog. I have serious problems with attachment, I am seriously avoidant. I didn’t experience any child neglect but surely a very bad attachment. You seem to discourage therapy online. Any suggestions for finding a therapist in Italy?

    • Kathy says:

      I heavily emphasize in-person therapy, but on-line is better than nothing. I’d be grateful if you could email the websites I list above, and ask for their European counterpart websites–and then let me know, so I can post it here for readers. Thank you!

  14. Kathy says:

    I’m emailing, let me know how it goes. Also see “How to Hire a Therapist”

  15. Smitty says:

    I’m a 60+ year old man in OC, CA. I would love your list and a recommendation My wife is dying and I am sobbing back and forth from anticipatory grief to sobs about all the fear and anxiety I brought through our life – certainly because of extremely inconsistent parenting from the beginning.

  16. Philip says:

    Would you look at my blog? It describes my mental struggle.

  17. Philip says:

    Having a TERRIBLE time finding an Attachment-based therapist in Puget Sound; any ideas? All I’ve found is Grace who asks me to see no one else whilst seeing her, which is difficult.

    • Kathy says:

      As mentioned above: Replace “Los+Angeles&state=CA” with your city and state in this link: You’ll get Psychology Today’s list of attachment-based therapists (“spec=496”) in your city. If they call themselves that, they know it better than others do. I’d only use one therapist at a time; we can’t deeply bond to more than one at a time.

    • Diana says:

      Philip, I feel your pain about finding a decent therapist in the Puget Sound area. One therapist I went to used me to discuss her own personal problems; another was so distant I felt like I was talking to a wall with a clock on it; a third was so unstable I was afraid she wouldn’t make it in life herself. Here in the land of the biking dead, I guess everyone just hits the road to ease their pain – if they acknowledge it at all.
      You might not want to hear this, you might try a therapist in Utah, where I had considerable success, or California, where there are plenty to choose from. Many good therapists around the country use Skype and FaceTime nowadays. It’s not the ideal situation, but when you’re desperate, you’re desperate. Best.

  18. Kathy L says:

    Please send me your personal list of OC attachment therapists.

  19. Jeanette says:

    May I get the OC list of therapists? Will the list specify if the therapist works with teens or adults? Thank you!

  20. Susan says:

    Do you have a referral for an attachment-based therapist in the LA area? San Fernando Valley or Westside would be best. So glad I found your page! I’m desperately trying to find help for my young adult daughter who was adopted from foster care and had five placements by age 2. She seems to have classic symptoms of attachment disorder. We have tried a couple of therapists but focused on depression. Now I realize her attachment issues are underlying.

  21. LindaRosaRN says:

    A major problem for children is misdiagnosis of “Reactive Attachment Disorder,” i.e. confusing it with “Attachment Disorder,” which is very different: “RAD vs. AD” And evidence-based practices:

    • Kathy says:

      As I wrote at top, I never support “attachment therapy” based on physical restraint such as here: htps:// I regret that dubious practitioners have spread a phony use of the term “attachment disorder.”
      Yet I regret that your links seem to imply there are only two issues, Radical Attachment Disorder (RAD) vs phony “attachment disorder” used to abuse kids. The American Psychiatric Association (APA) and DSM restrict the term “disorder” to the clinically visible radically ill, and that means RAD, period.
      But in fact, there is a third set with a lot of us in it, almost half the population: legitimate attachment disorder. Mine wasn’t visible, but I got almost no parenting and it nearly killed me. To me, that’s a disorder. Just because the DSM only recognizes RAD, doesn’t mean the rest of us are fine. Real attachment disorder goes unrecognized, and I wasn’t sick enough to fall into the DSM’s RAD category, so I got no treatment until my life fell apart after age 50.
      The DSM refuses to recognize Developmental Trauma Disorder, too. The DSM refuses to recognize lots of issues because it’s backed by the insurance companies who don’t want to pay to treat people.
      Your links mention the key 2006 Report on Attachment Therapy by the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children (APSAC), written to warn against “attachment therapy” based on physical restraint of a child. I again agree.
      But APSAC’s Report, which I’ve studied, does not say that we’re either RAD or we’re happily securely attached.
      It says a third type of real attachment disorder needs study. “Attachment problems extending beyond RAD, are a real and appropriate concern for professionals working with children,” says APSAC. “Many leading [legitimate] attachment theorists,”say Wikipedia, “recognized the limitations of the DSM… and proposed broader diagnostic criteria. There is as yet no official consensus;” see

  22. Amy Rogers says:

    Any good therapists in Chicago area for adult attachment disorder?

  23. Brian says:

    Your website has been a God-send, finally feel like words can explain what I have been experiencing. Can you email me a list of attachment therapists in OC? I’m concerned because I cannot trace any overt abuse in the first 1000 days. My early childhood seemed to be at the very least ok with parents being together. However around age 8-9, my parents got divorced and my life took a major change. As the younger of 2 boys, I suddenly became the emotional care taker for my Mom, and chasing Dad’s love/attention. I am certain this has lasting affects for my unsuccessful personal relationships, but unsure how early attachment may play a part. Do you have references/studies for those who had a “good enough” early years but had trauma later in childhood that could affect relationships? Sure appreciate your work. If you’re ever hosting a MeetUp in OC, please let me know!

  24. can i have the list of OC attachment therapists?

  25. Jacquelyn says:

    May I have the OC list of RAD therapists?

  26. Cheryl says:

    What a great topic and discussion. I have been in treatment for so many years with 19 different diagnosis, hospitalizations, getting a Ph.D. my functioning is 0-100. I realized on December, the 24th 2015 as I was leaving my therapist’s office I was not going back, it came to me that the treatment was not going to help; I felt sad and upset and I was not going to continue feeling the same. She is extremely well trained, has written books, travels internationally to lecture, still, I did not go back, nor get a new therapist right away. In March 2016 I chose an IFS therapist who was CERTIFIED. I’d been watching Bessel van der Kolk’s lectures and reading the BEST book in the field, “The body keeps the score.” He recommended Sebern Fisher’s book “Neurofeedback in the Treatment Developmental Trauma.” I got it and could not stop reading, I really thought I was done, that I was never going to have a life or relationships.

    • Kathy says:

      Please see Jan Mullen’s comment below on Internal Family Systems (IFS). I kept my attachment-based therapist and added Neurofeedback. Reading Sebern Fisher? Looks like you’re checking out Neurofeedback! Bessel van der Kolk recently announced in a public video that “Neurofeedback Works!”

  27. Lynne says:

    Please forward me your list of OC attachment therapists for adults?

  28. Scott Engler says:

    Hi Kathy, I think you should also list here Ray Castellino of Do you know of his brilliant work with infants, children, and adults, helping to repair traumatic experience of the past, for the sake of our intentions for our present and future? I’ve experienced deep and lasting support from his synthesis and unique presentation drawing from most of the trauma therapy leaders you list (Schore, Levine, Siegel…) and incorporating his experience as a chiropractor, polarity therapist and craniosacral therapist. I came to his work as a bodyworker 15 years ago and now am certified myself through his training, deeply appreciating what skilled support can do for us all in relation to our attachments histories. Thank you for your website, a great discovery!

    • Kathy says:

      Thank you so much. I’m just sharing what little I do know, not meaning to be comprehensive. Would you like to write a Guest Blog on Dr. Castellino’s body work therapy?

  29. Jan Mullen says:

    Three more wonderful resources for attachment therapy: the Internal Family Systems (IFS) model, praised highly by Bessel VanDerKolk, is used by therapists at his Trauma Center at Justice Resource Institute. It is still necessary to do a thorough interview to see if that particular IFS therapist is also familiar with attachment issues and works with the adult or child population. IFS therapy is a highly collaborative model. The client and therapist are a team, and the client’s internal world is respected as much as a fragile ecosystem where everything is of value. I also highly value Theraplay which is internationally embraced for attachment work; trained therapists are listed on their website. A third acclaimed model which works well with Theraplay is Daniel Hughes’ Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy.

    • Kathy says:

      Thank you so much! Would you like to write a Guest Blog for my website on IFS, Theraplay, TBRI and related modalities you know?

      • Jan Mullen says:

        Kathy, I am so impressed with your website, the compassion and understanding you have for readers and the wealth of information you thoroughly studied before putting it out. I’m looking forward to your book! I’d be honored to write a Guest Blog on Theraplay, Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy and Internal Family Systems. I will ask a colleague to write about the Trust-Based Relationship Intervention. I am an attachment therapist who works with both children and adults I am lucky in the metro Chicago area there is a wealth of attachment resources. Theraplay Institute is internationally recognized and very helpful for child attachment work. The Internal Family Systems model is also internationally recognized and very helpful, and though I read your struggle with the ‘inner child’ work, it does help in a gentle and effective way to heal those wounded inner parts. Brief descriptions of these and other therapies are found also on GoodTherapy at

  30. Joey Biggs says:

    Do you have a list of providers in the Los Angeles area that specialize in Adult Attachment Disorder?

    • Kathy says:

      An LA attachment therapist recommended by my friends in LA
      is Stephanie Blank-Cheng, Pasadena 626-344-0177
      Others in LA are:
      Dr. Nancy Sobel, 11340 W. Olympic Blvd., LA 310)281-7071
      Dr. Yuko Ouchi, 1274 E. Center Ct, Covina 626)422 3032
      MaryLynn White, 1400 E.Marshall, Long Beach 949)939-3176
      *In addition, add a neurofeedback practitioner, covered by insurance: EEG Spectrum\ EEG Info Provider Directory:

      • Josh Russell says:

        Hi Kathy, do you have any recommendations for someone in the San Diego area ( north country Encintas area if possible ) that works with Alexithymia. And self esteem/ self image stuff for woman? I’m trying to help my wife find someone she would only see a woman. Thanks I’m advance for any advice.

        Best Regards,


  31. Terri says:

    Looking for attachment therapist in Los Angeles or Kona, HI

  32. Natalya Kazakova says:

    I am 26 and from Kansas City. I have been going to therapy for PTSD, I have also been diagnosed with BPD; another therapist suggested bipolar disorder. I’m not sure what’s going on with me but have been reading about getting a SPECT scan. I’m wanting to make sure it was PTSD and not TBI. I’m also curious about the study process and how doctors find people and groups to study?

    • Kathy says:

      If you could have traumatic brain injury (TBI) (blows to head as a child, car accident), it’s key for your therapist to know. Not sure SPECT can determine; try Mayo Clinic: Mayo Clinic on SPECT

    • Kathy says:

      Consider Neurofeedback for both child trauma and TBI; it may be covered by insurance and be a lot more available. Sebern Fisher got into therapy and attachment work in the first place because she herself had developmental trauma. She also had a lot of head and traumatic brain injury. One of the first things to heal when she began neurofeedback herself were her terrible migraines, which never returned. She still does neurofeedback because, she says, “I had a lot of head injuries so I am at a greater risk of Alzheimer’s than other people, but all signs of head injury and traumatic brain injury that I had are gone.” From

  33. Nicole says:

    Thank you. I too was not adopted. I found a wonderful neurofeedback person and this is really what I need. The missing link! Your site is wonderful; thank you.

  34. Kathy says:

    I believe there’s no difference; both RADs happen with adoption or hostile parents. But there IS healing for you: psychiatrist and trauma expert Bessel van der Kolk, MD, August 9 posted a webinar on neurofeedback which changes the map. When he saw the results in RAD kids, “I was blown away,” he says. “There’s nothing I know that can do that, I thought. When you see something like that, you pay attention. Can my psychoanalysis do that? Can my acceptance and commitment therapy do that? Can my friends who do EMDR or Somatic Experiencing do that? No. Nothing I know of can do THAT. Time to learn new things.” I’ve now done 10 months of neurofeedback and the healing is enormous. Van der Kolk video: My earlier blog on neurofeedback with links to Sebern Fisher interviews and locator pages to find a practitioner in your zip:

  35. Nicole says:

    Is there a difference between Reactive Attachment Disorder and Radical Attachment Disorder? I’ve only ever hear of the later which I have. Have you found any Los Angeles therapists? I tried Somatic Experiencing, it did not help me. I was too frozen. After many years of spiritual healing I wish to find a support group and therapist. I’ve always been told there is no healing for what I have.

  36. Gilli says:

    Be cautious with EMDR. Creator Dr Shapiro specified it was for single traumas like a car crash, a rape or other discrete event. It’s not for multiple traumas. My husband had PTSD from multiple physical abuse all through his childhood. He had EMDR with a psychiatrist once and ended up in a terrible state.

  37. Susannah says:

    Thank you so much for creating this website. This is awesome. You are sharing everything you know. I so appreciate the points you stress such as the fact we *need other mammals* around to help with this. So often overlooked or denied in our hyper individualistic society.I live in Santa Clarita above San Fernando Valley. Do you know attachment therapists north of OC? Or could I have your OC list? Thank you so much for all you are doing with this. I am so happy I stumbled across it.

  38. geri scazzero says:

    Looking for Attachment Therapist who does body work, NYC area.

  39. Hi Kathy – I’m a psychologist in San Diego, and I have trained in Attachment Focused EMDR with Laurel Parnell. I really thought her approach was brilliant and I am looking for therapists in the Orange County area with a similar approach to refer someone to. Could you please send me your list? Thanks very much!

  40. Lauren Bagwell says:

    Please send me a list of attachment focused therapists in Orange County, thank you very much!

  41. James says:

    I’m looking for an attachment therapist in San Diego.Thank you.

  42. Grace says:

    I’m interested to get your list of OC attachment therapists. I’ve been in therapy for many years with poor results and want to heal my attachment difficulties that I have struggled with for far too long and are impacting my life and relationships. Thank you!

  43. Lindsay says:

    I got your list! Wow thank you Kathy! I am so glad I stumbled onto your page 🙂 Your help is much appreciated! Time to make some phone calls! Have a great day, Lindsay

  44. Lindsay says:

    I live in Southern California, (Seal Beach/Long Beach) and have been on the hunt for a therapist specializing in attachment issues. I recently read about this “anxious attachment” type disorder and was SO relieved to realize there was something out there I could directly relate to! I was almost at the point of relief-related laughter reading over the description because it just describes me to a T. I’ve met with other counselors, but am eagerly looking for someone who can directly help me now since I’ve discovered what is my issue. If you have leads in this area I would be very appreciative! Thanks!

    • Kathy says:

      I emailed you my OC therapist list. We can learn to attach and find healthy friends and spouses who know how to attach – but first we have to learn it in person from a professional.

  45. Cat Sprat says:

    I need an attachment disorder/dev trauma therapist near Portland OR. My mother was in labor with me more than a day, couldn’t breastfeed, didn’t want to. At 15 months I was hospitalized for 28 days in two surgeries, sent home in a full-body cast and spent weeks in my crib. My mother was not present. I was isolated from the family, from meals, from interaction.
    I suffer from developmental trauma. This is is a daily suffering, an injury of the self, an obsessive sadness coupled with dissociation, a deep irrational fear that grips me every morning and through the day. It’s a pain that is so absolute it doesn’t have a physical corollary. It’s not that I hurt everywhere; I am Hurt and Fear of Hurt. I don’t know which is worse: blank nothingness without thought or organization – or vagus full alert in which heart, lungs, mind veer wildly. I’m paralyzed in a physiological maelstrom most mornings.
    I have researched trauma steadily since the early 80s and I’ve worked in therapy for many years with several providers. In the last couple of years, finally, there is some good literature.
    What I have learned is that kinship – friends, family, community – is the most important asset. Having even one meaningful relationship can make the difference in self perception. Physical and social isolation makes developmental trauma intolerable beyond words. Your article on developmental trauma is very good. I purchased and started reading the Porges’ book.

  46. Peggy says:

    Kathy, Do you know any attachment therapists in the Cincinnati area? Preferably, that do neurofeedback therapy? At age 49, time is of the essence. I start EMDR next week, but feel neurofeedback would be very beneficial. Many thanks

  47. Other attachment focused-therapists include (1) Dr. Dan Hughes ( for Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy, (2) Dr. Phil Shaver ( – not developmental attachment but focus is on attachment in adult relationships, (3) Dr. Sue Johnson ( for Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy – attachment in romantic adult relationships.

  48. I think Renee Flory may be in Ukraine. Here’s a page on our website about my work with Ukrainian therapists: In the post there’s a picture of the women in Kyiv who direct the Ukraine Process Work Center, and a link to their website. They have a lot of experience helping children and adults with developmental trauma (DT).

  49. Kathy says:

    Try International Society for Study of Trauma & Dissociation (ISSTD):
    Sidran Traumatic Stress Institute, Get Help & Locator page: directory:
    International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ISTSS):
    To specify Attachment as specialty, enter zip and distance range you can drive, then below under “Advanced Search,” select “Special Interests” and check box marked “Attachment Disorders.”

  50. Renee Flory says:

    Do you know therapists in E Europe? I am researching attachment disorder for a family who adopted a girl who is showing disturbing signs. Is there anyone close to here?

  51. Pingback: Resources for Healing Attachment Disorders | Tales of a Boundary Ninja

  52. Melanie says:

    Thanks so much! “Never be afraid to do what is right, especially if the well-being of a person or animal is at stake. Society’s punishments are small compared to the wounds we inflict on our soul, when we look the other way.” – Martin Luther King

  53. Melanie says:

    Do you know therapists in San Diego that do this work?

  54. Kirsten says:

    Thanks very much for this website! I found it searching for info about the loss history graph I was working on in the “Grief Recovery Handbook” and I’ve been devouring your articles!
    I’m trying to find a therapist in my area but can’t find anyone trained as you recommend. I did stumble on an approach called Rapid Resolution Therapy and there’s a master practitioner in my area. Have you heard of this? I’m trying to decide if I should try that first or travel across the state to see a Levine practitioner.

    • Kathy says:

      The Grief Recovery Handbook (GRH) says our lifetime “Loss History Graph” should have 10-20 incidents, but I was dismayed when I had to add dozens and dozens and ran out of space. Still, the GRH did work well for me to “bust my crust” of denial so I could access my childhood feelings.
      But yikes: what an overwhelming mess of childhood feelings!
      I couldn’t find an “inner child;” all I could feel was a yowling inner infant. I’d stumbled into deep kimche. I made it out alive by firing 3 bad therapists until I found a great attachment therapist. I did Levine’s exercises with him.
      Incident trauma aka PTSD, is due to one or any finite number of incidents: battlefield, car accidents, rape. But developmental trauma starts with fetal stress “when the sperm hits the egg” and continues as the brain itself is developing until age 7: Dr. Bessel van der Kolk says that in developmental trauma, there’s a continuum of panic til we become a “frightened organism.”
      I’ve not heard of “Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT); googling, I just saw videos on what it is not. Their web page on training for therapists says it involves hypnosis. Hypnosis has long been used for trauma, but I’ve no experience.
      Seeing a Levine-trained practitioner is great and could resolve a huge amount, enough to start you healing.
      For me that was only the beginning of healing. Then the real healing is “Don’t Try This at Home.” Find a local attachment therapist you can see face to face for weeks and months. Attaching to a real live human being on an eye-to-eye basis is the only real way to heal. The answer is still face time. What was damaged by a human attachment connection can only be healed by a new human attachment connection.

  55. Tara says:

    May I have the Orange County attachment therapists for adults?

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