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6 Responses to Resources

  1. Kathy says:

    Dr. Bessel van der Kolk, MD, speaks highly of Em Wave biofeedback machines so do try it. I am doing neurofeedback (biofeedback to the brain) with a provider now and it’s covered by my insurance, so please go to this link and contact providers near you because adding neurofeedback will really help even more:

  2. Mary says:

    Hi Kathy, I purchased a biofeedback machine for home since I can’t afford sessions – it’s a simple em wave2 – will this be sufficient to help? Thank you, Min

  3. Kathy says:

    Hi Troy, Sorry for delay, I just found your comment. Please check my Resources tab at top of my website, then click on Find a Support Group. Maybe see if there’s a local meeting of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (ASCA) which covers all varieties of abuse and neglect, including emotional abuse and neglect. If none yet ASCA does offer a lot of help to start your own meeting:
    Or walk into your local Al Anon and when it’s your turn to speak, briefly say “I had abusive parents and I’m looking for someone here who wants to be my Grief Partner to work on healing these deep emotional wounds.” See if anyone volunteers. Keep going and repeated the same thing a few meetings, someone might get the message… On Grief Partner see Featured Topics tab, and under that Grief Recovery Handbook.

  4. Troy Hunt says:

    I know you’re busy, but I wondering if you could point me in a direction of how to start some kind of detachment disorder/ Adverse childhood experience group to talk about this stuff with others. I don’t think there is one in my area in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. I am enjoying reading your “Don’t try this at home” book. I couldn’t cry at my parents funerals either and was glad when they were over so I could get out of there. Thank you,Troy

  5. Kirsten says:

    Thanks very much for this site! I found it searching for info about the loss history graph I was working on in the “Grief Recovery Handbook” and I’ve been devouring your articles!
    I am trying to locate a therapist in my area but have not found anyone trained in the approaches you recommend. I did stumble onto information about Rapid Resolution Therapy and there is a master practitioner in my area. Have you heard of this and have any thought? I am trying to decide if I should try that or travel to another part of the state to see a Levine trained practitioner.Thank you!

    • Kathy says:

      The Grief Recovery Handbook (GRH) says our lifetime “Loss History Graph” should have 10-20 incidents, but I was dismayed when I had to add dozens and dozens and ran out of space. Still, the GRH did work well for me to “bust my crust” of denial so I could access my childhood feelings.
      But yikes: what an overwhelming mess of childhood feelings!
      I couldn’t find an “inner child;” all I could feel was a yowling inner infant. I’d stumbled into deep kimche. I made it out alive by firing 3 bad therapists until I found a great attachment therapist. I did Levine’s exercises with him.
      Incident trauma aka PTSD, is due to one or any finite number of incidents: battlefield, car accidents, rape. But developmental trauma starts with fetal stress “when the sperm hits the egg” and continues as the brain itself is developing until age 7: Dr. Bessel van der Kolk says that in developmental trauma, there’s a continuum of panic til we become a “frightened organism.”
      I’ve not heard of “Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT); googling, I just saw videos on what it is not. Their web page on training for therapists says it involves hypnosis. Hypnosis has long been used for trauma, but I’ve no experience.
      Seeing a Levine-trained practitioner is great and could resolve a huge amount, enough to start you healing.
      For me that was only the beginning of healing. Then the real healing is “Don’t Try This at Home.” Find a local attachment therapist you can see face to face for weeks and months. Attaching to a real live human being on an eye-to-eye basis is the only real way to heal. The answer is still face time. What was damaged by a human attachment connection can only be healed by a new human attachment connection.

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