The Greatest Study Never Told

BrousBlog7a ACE pyramid I first heard Dr. Bruce Perry, MD mention the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study at UCLA in March, 2013. The pyramid at left is their logo; click the graphic to check out the top. [FN1]  Months later I found, social media site for the ACE Study, which has the story. [FN2]

In the ACE Study, 17,337 middle class adults at an average San Diego HMO were asked during 1995-97 if they’d had bad childhood experiences, physical or emotional.  Results were shocking.  Two-thirds (64-67%) had one or more types of child trauma, and 38-42% had two or more types.  In 2016, the same survey in inner city Nashville showed that 71% had four or more types and 51% had six or more.  I believe a true national average would show some 50% of Americans suffer childhood trauma. [FN3]  Check your ACE Score here.

The ACE Study then compared ACE scores to whether subjects developed serious bio-medical conditions as adults – and found a major correlation.  As the ACE Pyramid shows, Adverse Childhood Experiences lead to impaired thinking, unhealthy behavior, disease, disability, and early death.

“Adverse childhood exposures showed a graded relationship to … adult diseases including ischemic heart disease, cancer, chronic lung disease, skeletal fractures, and liver disease,” ACE Study co-directors Dr. Vincent Felitti MD and Dr. Robert Anda MD reported in 1998 in the Study’s full text. [FN4]

The Study also showed a “proportionate relationship between ACE score and the likelihood of developing autoimmune diseases decades later in adult life.”

Mental health troubles? The Study found that “depression, suicidality, chronic anxiety, amnesia, and hallucinations were directly proportionate” to a person’s rate of ACE trauma.

“It’s not about ‘them’ – it’s about us,” said Dr. Anda of these huge percentages and widespread lethal results.  ACEs are “the leading determinant of what happens to the health of a nation’s population,” says Dr. Felitti.

The ACE Study began in 1995 at Kaiser Permanente, the largest  HMO in California, and was done jointly with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC).  But this rigorous research hasn’t woken up medicine and psychiatry, despite the fact that Felitti, Anda et. al. have published over 75 medical articles on it.  [FN5]

You’ve likely never heard of this, although we all should have been told about 20 years of official study on 17,337 citizens.  I never heard of it even as a Kaiser Permanente client during 2010-11.  So ACEsConnection is going to the grass roots, some states are doing ACE surveys, and social service agencies are training staff  in “Trauma-Informed Care.”

Dr. Felitti never dreamed of any of this.  He was an internist who fell into it all by accident. Kaiser had an obesity clinic, it was failing, and Dr. Felitti wanted to know why.  Suddenly, by interviewing people who quit, this data jumped into his lap.

Vincent Felitti

Now instead of retiring to the Bahamas after a long career, Dr. Felitti travels the world making speeches like “Why the Most Significant Factor Predicting Chronic Disease May Be Childhood Trauma” [FN6]

He insists that “contrary to conventional belief, time does not heal all wounds, since humans convert traumatic emotional experiences in childhood into organic disease later in life.” One does not “just get over” this, “not even 50 years later,” he says, without serious efforts and treatment.  [FN7]

Baby Casey: the Attachment Disorder ACE

This is not an academic issue.  Fifty percent of the American population has some degree of attachment disorder (see Blogs #1-4), and attachment disorder is a major component of many Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE).

Baby Casey fr video crop2On, created by journalist Jane Stevens, the first thing I saw was a video of a baby in a Polish orphanage that turned me inside out (click here & scroll down page). [FN8]

This is what the physical pain of attachment failure looks like. Left alone for months in the Warsaw facility, Baby Casey did not get the “face time,” physical holding, emotional attunement, or any of the interactions required for an infant’s brain to grow. Humans from birth require a constant stream of “emotional, spiritual, psychological, and physical inputs” from another loving human, says trauma specialist Mary Jo Barrett — just as we require air, food, and liquid.” [FN9]

A child left without this input stream learns that its own hard-wired biological needs are terrifying.   “I learn that what I experienced internally and expressed externally with a cry, was met by a response that didn’t make any sense,” says neuroscientist Dr. Daniel Siegel. “I learned: it doesn’t matter what I’m feeling, because people don’t get what I need.  Ultimately, I’ll become disconnected, not only from other people, but even from my own internal bodily self. ”[FN10]

Babies are also hard-wired to be flooded with stress chemicals when those needs are not met, Dr. Bruce Perry explains. And the flood can go on for decades. [FN11]

The emotional pain and terror are so intense that the child will do anything to distract itself from those needs. “In states of distress I can only comfort myself in ways that are maladaptive – I bite myself, rock myself perpetually, so I’m distracting myself from my needs,” Siegel says.

The fight-or-flight stress chemicals flood the bloodstream at a level which feels so terrifying, that the baby would rather pass out — or even die — than to feel it. “The baby thinks it’s going to die,” as Dr. Nancy Verrier puts it. [FN12]  I saw this video and said, “That baby’s trying to knock herself out.”

Turning Gold into Lead

BrousBlog7c Gold into LeadLeft unhealed, all those stress chemicals and panic feelings begin to physically destroy  body parts.

“The ACE Study findings suggest certain adverse childhood experiences are major risk factors for the leading causes of illness and death in the US,” the CDC reports. “As the number of ACE increase, risk for the following health problems increases in a strong and graded fashion:

Ischemic heart disease
Chronic lung disease
Liver disease
Skeletal fractures
Alcoholism and alcohol abuse
Fetal death
Early initiation of smoking
Illicit drug use
Multiple sexual partners
Risk for intimate partner violence
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)
Unintended pregnancies
Suicide attempts…”

“The odds of having cancer before 50 among women increased twofold for those who had 2+ ACEs versus those with no ACEs,” confirmed a 2012 study of over 6,000 Britons born in 1958, “Childhood adversity as a risk for cancer: findings from the 1958 British birth cohort study,” published by the British Medical Council.

“This is the largest study of its type which has ever been done to examine the effect of ACE on physical health, over the course of a lifetime,” Dr. Felitti says. All 17,337 participants will be followed up for life.

“We’re asking, ‘How do you get from Here, to Here [slide above] ? From a newborn infant with total potential — to a man who is broken, bio-medically, psychologically and emotionally.

“We found that ACEs are remarkably common – what is uncommon is their recognition, or their acknowledgment.

“They are well-concealed by time, by shame, by secrecy, and by social taboo. They turn out to be strong predictors of what happens later in life in health risks, disease, and premature mortality. The combination of their high prevalence, and their great power, makes ACEs the leading determinant of what happens to the health of a nation’s population.”  [FN13]

“In no way could you dismiss this as a marginalized population,” Dr. Felitti says of his 17,337 patients. Most of them were white middle class; 47% had attended college; they all had jobs and health insurance; they were at Kaiser.

“ACE are the risk factors which underlie the 10 most common causes of death in the U.S. With an ACE score of zero, you have a very medically uninteresting population – no internist has a chance of making a living with that group,” he notes.

“Swiss psychoanalyst Alice Miller says:

‘The truth about our childhood is stored up in our bodies, and lives in the depths of our souls.  Our intellect can be deceived, our feelings can be numbed and manipulated, our perceptions can be shamed and confused, or our bodies tricked with medication. But our soul never forgets. And because we are one, one whole soul in one body, some day, our body will present its bill.’

“In this study, we are looking at it literally. The cost of this is truly enormous. Whoever would have thought that pediatrics is the breeding ground for internal medicine,” Dr. Felitti concludes.

Feel like you might have an ACE or two up your sleeve?

You can go to and take the ACE Survey, to see how many ACEs you might have. If you feel really awful, go to your family doctor, bring him this report, and tell him you want to see a specialist because you are a normal human responding to abnormal experiences.

News blogs expand on my book Don’t Try This Alone: The Silent Epidemic of Attachment Disorder.  Watch as my journey of recovery teaches me the hard way about Adult Attachment Disorder, Developmental Trauma, Attachment Theory, and the Adult Attachment Interview (AAI).

Copyright © 2018 by Kathy Brous.  All right reserved. No portion of this website, except for brief reviews and live links to this website, may be copied or used in any form or manner whatsoever.  All use must show prominent and clear attribution to Kathy Brous at

Medical Disclaimer: This website is for general information purposes only. It is simply my own research. Individuals should always see their health care provider or licensed psychotherapist before doing anything which they believe to be suggested or indicated herein. Any application of the material on this website is at the reader’s discretion and is the reader’s sole responsibility.

FN1  Centers for Disease Control (CDC) ACE Study Pyramid: Go to  Then at third item “ACE Pyramid,” click plus sign at right to show graphic. CDC changes the colors periodically.

FN2  CDC “ACE Study DVD Pre-View movie,” 3-minute version:

FN3  Dr. Felitti reports that 67% of participants had one or more types of ACEs, and 42% had two or more types of ACEs. The CDC website states that 64% had one or more types of ACEs, and 38% had two or more types of ACEs;   These percentages varied depending on when readings were taken as more subjects joined the study in the second “wave” of the ACE Study.
Note: all these refer to “types” of ACEs. Thus, if 38-42% of the middle class Kaiser population had at two or more types of ACEs, each likely suffered multiple incidents of that type, be it abuse, neglect, or more.
In less privileged populations, far higher percentages suffer two or more types of ACEs as shown in Nashville, TN by The Family Center in 2016:

FN4  “Relationship of Childhood Abuse and Household Dysfunction to Many of the Leading Causes of Death in Adults: The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study,” by Vincent J Felitti MD, Robert F Anda MD, et al,  American Journal of Preventative Medicine, May 1998, Vol 14, Issue 4, p 245–258

FN5  Felitti, Vincent, MD, “Adverse Childhood Experiences”

FN6  Felitti, Vincent, MD, official speaker biography at

FN7  Stevens, Jane, “The Adverse Childhood Experience Study” — the largest, most important public health study you never heard of — began in an obesity clinic”  also published by Huffington Post at

FN8  Brooks, John, “Video of Baby Casey in the Orphanage,” Warsaw, Poland, 1991, from Brooks, John, “The Girl Behind the Door: An Adoptive Father’s Lessons Learned About Attachment Disorder,” at  Baby Casey video at Original video at

FN9  Barrett, Mary Jo, MSW, “How to Treat the Patient Without Further Trauma,” NICABM webinar June 29, 2011,  She is a professor at the University of Chicago; founder and director of the Center for Contextual Change; co-author of “Systemic Treatment of Incest;” and co-editor of “Treating Incest: A Multiple Systems Perspective.”

FN10  Siegel, Daniel J., MD, “Early childhood and the developing brain,” “All in the Mind,” ABC Radio National, Australia.

FN11  Perry, Bruce, MD, PhD, “Born for Love: The Effects of Empathy on the Developing Brain,” speech at conference “How People Change: Relationship & Neuroplasticity in Psychotherapy,” UCLA Extension, Los Angeles, March 8, 2013. See also “Overview of Neuro-sequential Model of Therapeutics (NMT),”, 2010

FN12 Verrier, Nancy, PhD, “Coming Home to Self: The Adopted Child Grows Up,” self-published, Lafayette, CA, 1993

FN13 Op Cit Footnote 3, Felitti 13 minute video at


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About Kathy

My new book is "Don't Try This at Home - The Silent Epidemic of Attachment Disorder" at
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18 Responses to The Greatest Study Never Told

  1. Pingback: Childhood trauma

  2. Yaakov says:

    Very important information & high time it was made widely known so as t be used in healing people.
    BTW classical homeopaths have known this for over a century & use the concept in deep healing of their patients in physical & mental/emotional heath care.

  3. Kte Nye says:

    And I entered yes on every question in the ACE questionnaire. Every single one. Not one person will talk about any past or present issue…. It’s all to oppress and contain. Fear begets fear and the Truth has set me FREE. I AM FEARLESS. Healing my brain and heart and body and memories I AM CREATING A WHOLE SELF.

  4. Kte Nye says:

    And when all of this is sandwiched in with malignant narcissisism in a generalational FoO and one poor Soul becomes their Identified Patient or scapegoat, you have the makings for driving a person literally insane, or their brain and heart has enough within to wake up and go 100% NC and search and find all the answers to self heal. In my 55 years not one Professional touched on the FoO sickness, it was all put again onto my shoulders to fix ME. NOW I AM. Alone yet Alive.

  5. Hello from the UK. Big problems with my now 16 yr old daughter.She was born into domestic violence perpetrated by her father, my partner. I noticed when she was 18 months old, something was wrong. Any help with her diagnosis of Developmental Trauma Disorder?
    She is too afraid to take any treatment, meds/talking therapies, because we were forced by Peadiatrician to take ADHD meds, aged 9 yrs old. She became critically ill 6 weeks later, was so traumatised in hospital,had to be constricted to get blood for testing. It was horrendous and abusive. Since then she refuses all treatment, meds/talking therapies. She’s in trouble with the police, self harming. Psych said nowhere appropriate for a girl placement in hospital, she’d be with older adults, senile, dangerous patients. She’s 3 going on 4 years behind her peers educationally and socially. Now self-medicates using cannabis to escape her life. Kind thanks- from Rachael, her Mom in London

  6. Pingback: A Reagan-Type Marriage – gXyz.NeWs

  7. Pingback: A Reagan-Type Marriage | Beatriz Simpkins

  8. Pingback: A Reagan-Type Marriage | Celebrity List

  9. Shyrose Peerwani says:

    I had attended one of Dr. Bruce Perry’s presentation in Calgary, I learned a lot
    I was working with the school board at that time as Bahaviourl councelor. I am 49 now, I have gone through ACE, my children who are young adults are going through ACE and today I feel I have ruined my childrens life because I did not know better. I have moved back home which is Kenya, I see children going through ACE every day and have know choice. It hurts….tell me how to deal with all that

    • Kathy says:

      Dear Shyrose, I am so sorry for your difficult situation. Please carefully study my blog here on the ACE Study, it tells a lot of what to do. Also please join, which is the global private meeting place for people like you and me who want help with ACEs. Please then ask your questions to Jane Stevens, director of ACEsConnection, who may know how to reach ACE-informed people in Africa. God bless you, Kathy

  10. Pingback: Allan Schore: What is the “Self”? | "Don't Try This at Home"

  11. Pingback: Developmental Trauma: What you Can’t See CAN Hurt You | "Don't Try This at Home"

  12. Pingback: The Hole in Me | "Don't Try This at Home"

  13. Kathy says:

    No question the statistics on Adverse Childhood Experiences under-count the number affected in the US. The ACE Study only studied 17,400+ average Kaiser Permanente HMO patients, which means they were all employed, and over half had gone to college, as Dr. Felitti often points out. US and world population with lower living standards MUST have far higher trauma rates. If we had a way to measure it, surely it would be staggering. Babies are very fragile and easy to damage.
    As to why some seem to come through warfare, genocide, natural disasters ok, while others do not, brain scientists like Dr. Bruce Perry are ringing the alarm bells about the difference between “developmental trauma” and “incident-based trauma.”
    Developmental trauma starts when the sperm hits the egg or near birth – and it goes on 24 x 7 x365 from scratch for 9+36 = 45 months or more, before we ever have a thinking brain at 36 months. That’s what I had, that’s what a lot of ACE Study participants had. It’s kinda baked into the brain stem.
    But in incident trauma, one can take say a 5-year-old with great attaching parents, who didn’t have hardly any developmental trauma, who makes it to age 5 with a resilient brain, and he will survive incidents of war relatively intact.
    But severe poverty, genocide, racism, or prolonged decades of war – those would be so traumatizing to the parents that no matter how loving they are, they’d have to be transmitting their anxiety to any child they were birthing. A loving pregnant mother in a shack under constant threat of street gunfire can’t avoid the stress on her child in the womb.
    One excellent result of the ACE Study is that “Trauma-Informed Care (TIC)” has become the newest wave in many local and state agencies dealing with kids and parents across the country. This is thanks to the work of Dr. Felitti at the ACE Study, their friends at the CDC, and their grass roots arm ACEsConnection.

  14. OCFan says:

    I am willing to bet that the statistics on Adverse Childhood Experiences under count the number of people in the USA who are affected, and that they statistics must be staggering in places that have experienced warfare, genocide, natural disasters. I am always curious as to why some people seem to come through such traumas well and to go on with their lives, while others do not. Perhaps someone was able to rescue these children and help them mend, without even knowing that they were saving that child from an early disablement or death. In the case of Adverse Childhood Experiences, we must recognize that, like genetic potential, traumas are not necessarily a life sentence; they represent possibilities that can be overcome with the right responses. Appropriate responses are what have been lacking in our education and mental health systems in many cases. I’m glad to see the quote from Alice Miller.

  15. Pingback: When Family Doesn’t Get It, Recovery Partners Will | "Don't Try This at Home"

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