Find a Support Group

Even when we have a good attachment-based psychotherapist (see Find an Attachment-based Psychotherapist), we all need support groups. You can find a support group today.

Support group members may also know of good nearby therapists.

A support group can not replace a therapist — but it can take awhile to find a good therapist.  Then it takes a serious therapist weeks or longer to do enough “intake” to figure us out to where they can give us relief. We’ve got to be patient and it’s really worth it.

But we also need personal support now!  Here’s the good news: you can go online to any national organization below and be at a meeting of people who care this week, even today. Sitting with people who care is the first thing we all need (it’s also why good therapy works.)

Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (ASCA) is for all types of abuse (sexual, non-sexual neglect, emotional, physical abuse) with US and global meetings:
If no meeting local to you, they’ll send you a kit to start a meeting:

ASCA also has online Saturday meetings we can join from anywhere.  Email  with “Virtual Meeting” in the subject line and cc to John Thompson <>

National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (NAASCA) has a big list of  US and global support groups on their locator page:

Celebrate Recovery operates at 20,000 churches nationally to help anyone hurting emotionally:  Here is their Group Locator by geographical area:

Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACOA) says: ” We share The Problem… we learn that there are others like us, and there is hope. There is recovery. There is a light at the end of the tunnel; our fears can be overcome.”  Meetings:

Survivors of Incest Anonymous:

Childhood Sex Trauma Community Support Group web meeting “Better Together” each Wednesday 7pm EST:   Run by my friend Svava Brooks from ACEsConnection; overview at

If you can’t find a group by means above, do not give up.

You can find a local meeting of the large organizations NAMI or  AL ANON and just go today – whether or not your troubles involve psychiatric or alcohol issues.  NAMI local chapters have wide experience supporting anyone who feels deeply emotionally disturbed, and their families.

National Alliance on Mental Illness:

Al Anon:

Al Anon members want to “be there” for anyone who is hurting emotionally from any kind of emotional abuse, abandonment, neglect, trauma, or other issues.  You may find a “sponsor” there who can really help you feel connected, even if there’s no alcohol in your situation. Why?  Child traumas of all kinds are the underlying reason people use alcohol and drugs in the first place. They are also the reason people become “codependent” and enable others to drink, which is a form of emotional trauma.

Alcoholics should go to AA – but Al Anon is not only for drinkers’ families.  Any non-drinker with an emotional problem willing to tell the truth about their childhood pain and their current pain, will find good support at a local Al Anon meeting. And if they feel you are hurting far too seriously for lay folks like them, they will know where to send you locally for professional help.


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10 Responses to Find a Support Group

  1. Saria bushmire says:

    I’m looking for a private on line support group for children of sexual abuse gang rape incest at 68 years old I’m not afraid to talk well to some limits I have ptsd anxiety depression can you help me

  2. Julea "Mordechai" Osterkamp says:

    I am looking for an online support group for survivors of childhood trauma. I am an 18 year old with Autism.

  3. Lucy Blyth says:

    Hi I have 2 daughters 14 and 11 with attachment disorders, are there any support groups near were I live in Kent that I can get help and support for myself as a parent?

  4. Wendy Rubin says:

    This is amazing. I have so many issues and this site covers all of them.

  5. Sea says:

    My abusive mother now has dementia and l am forced to take care her. She has two “advocates ” who are so mean to me regarding the the abuse. After finding out they are possible after her assets( have an attorney involved) l have blocked their number. My best friend who checks on her( l live out of state but go twice a month ) keeps saying but she is your mother. I am worn out stressed out with ni end in sight. In my experience mothers are excused and the abuse victim is in the wrong for speaking up.

    • Beatrice LespronHawk says:

      I get it; sorry you are feeling like this. but my 2 cents is to stay true to yourself. I am trying to heal too.

    • Linda Norris says:

      I know you posted some time ago. For your sake, I hope your mother has passed. My mother was an alcoholic narcissist and an emotional tyrant. She destroyed our family, and my dad committed suicide at age 50. He was also alcoholic. I scored a 6 on the ACE survey. I had to help my younger brother care for her when she had end stage breast cancer. What a bitter irony! I HATED her. Not just for the way she treated me, but for what she did to all three of us. Had it not been for my brother who loved her, I would have bailed on her. I owed her absolutely nothing. Like many narcissists, she favored one child and dumped all her anger and self-hatred on the other child (me), but she crippled him in many ways. It didn’t help that he was gay, either. I feel your pain, and I would give you permission to stay put and let her suffer whatever consequences she’s reaped. Adults need to prepare for the end and not leave it up to their children to clean up after them, etc. Life is hard enough. Take care of yourself.

  6. ELLEN Krech says:

    Where is their an area in my community for emotional abuse from adult children. Area code 60098

  7. Carey says:

    What an incredible resource this site is! Thank you. Wow.
    Somewhere in here I believe you recommend some binaural
    music? Or maybe that was in a link to which you referred us. Do you know of healing sound or have recommendations on brainwaves music? I would love to talk with you someday.

  8. Robert Olcott says:

    I also found Co-Dependents Anonymous, and [trauma-informed] (Consumer-Run) Intentional Peer Support [] groups to be helpful. The National Empowerment Center and Mental Health America are other helpful support resources!

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