Mammalian Attachment, Limbic Brain, “Fur”

CLICK to BUY “Don’t Try This Alone” in Paperback

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Dr. Mary Main’s Adult Attachment Interview (AAI)

“General Theory of Love” on Mammals & Attachment
General Theory of Love” Basics, Pt 1, Feb. 7
...General Theory of Love” Limbic Resonance, Pt 2, Feb. 21

Bruce Perry in Washington: Video on Relationship
Stephen Porges, Polyvagal Theory & Compassion, Pts 1-3

Mammalian Attachment Heals Surgery Trauma
Kathy: I’m Missing the Fur–and not just of my cat Tom...


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7 Responses to Mammalian Attachment, Limbic Brain, “Fur”

  1. H says:

    Thank you so much Kathy. In my opinion Attachment Dx lead to most addictions, personality Dx & mood Dx. Such an important, yet unrecognized condition. Thank you for leading the way towards awareness & understanding of this complex & difficult issue.

    • Kathy says:

      I’ve been thinking that for years! There’s a line in my book, ” ‘Mommy is the root of all evil,’ so to speak. But it’s not her fault! She didn’t get the equipment from her mother, to do mothering.” In my case, my great-grandmother had no mothering to give grandma, who had no mothering to give my mother, who didn’t want children – and I have no children. This is so frequent that yes it’s the cause of addictions and many disorders. Bessel van der Kolk says attachment trauma is the cause of Bi-Polar and Borderline Personality Disorders…

  2. H says:

    Hi Kathy, Thank you so much for taking the time to respond to us Kathy! R, do you have a few specific questions for Kathy? (ie, how do I survive in a romantic relationship with a man who has attachment disorder?, Or ???)

  3. H says:

    Hi Kathy, My friend & I are in the field and noticed that Attachment Dx is somewhat different for men that is for women. Do you know of any men that have written about their experience towards healing? And I’m also wondering if your book addresses this difference? Or if you have any feedback from a man who’s experienced attachment disorder?
    Thank you as always for your time, wisdom & dedication to such an important topic
    PS, I just ordered ur book & am looking forward to reading it

    • Kathy says:

      Hello H, Unfortunately I’ve not met many who’ve challenged their attachment disorder. I hope that’s because I live in a secluded part of southern California. I do hope they are out there!
      I do have a gentleman Facebook friend who used my book manuscript and website a few years back and got deep healing… I can ask him your questions if you have specifics?
      We all know that young boys are traumatized by our hyper-intellectual culture to crush their emotions (which all humans have), whereas with girls no one cares if they have emotions; they’re just type-cast as hysterics.
      But the big problem for men is that to heal emotions — we’ve got to be able to FEEL the emotions.
      And if a person’s been told to “stuff it” since he was 3, then his whole brain is wired to not feel.
      (As opposed to girls, who get wired to be hysterical because no one’s taking them seriously, which actually prevents us from feeling the underlying real emotion. Hysteria is not an emotion.)

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